Operation of a Bourdon tube pressure gauge and a piston manometer Features - operation of a Bourdon tube pressure gauge and a piston manometer Learning objectives/experiments - working principle of a Bourdon tube pressure gauge - calibrate manometers, read off applied pressure - determine systematic errors - principle of operation and working with a piston manometer Specification [1] Bourdon tube pressure gauge for pressure measurement [2] transparent dial face with a view of the spring mechanism [3] accurately fitting piston and cylinder of the piston manometer without seals [4] hydraulic oil for transfer of the force [5] hydraulic pump with storage tank and bleed mechanism Technical data Piston manometer - pressure piston: diameter: 12mm - hydraulic cylinder: diameter: 25mm, length=225mm - oil: ISO viscosity grade: VG 32 Set of weights - weight holder: 385g / 0,334bar - 1x 193g / 0,166bar - 4x 578g / 0,5bar Measuring ranges - pressure: 0...2,5bar LxWxH: 400x400x400mm Weight: approx. 16kg