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Visualisation Of Streamlines Didactic Equipment Vocational Education Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Item No.: HM 225.08
Visualisation Of Streamlines Didactic Equipment Vocational Education Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment
HM 225.08 Visualisation Of Streamlines Didactic Equipment Vocational Education Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Flow patterns in real fluids at different models; visualisation using fog
- visualisation of streamlines flowing around and through models
- fog generator is included
- accessories for aerodynamics trainer HM 225
Learning objectives/experiments
- illustrative demonstration without detection or analysis of measured values
- flow patterns in real fluids when flowing around and through models
-- aerofoil with adjustable angle of attack
-- cylinder
-- orifice plate for change in cross-section
- flow separation and stall
[1] visualisation of streamlines by using fog
[2] accessories for HM 225 Aerodynamics Trainer
[3] vertical measuring section with transparent front plate and black background

[4] fog generator, operation with non-toxic and water-soluble fog fluid
[5] three models for insertion into the wind tunnel
[6] aerofoil with adjustable angle of attack
[7] scale for displaying the angle of attack
Technical data
Measuring section
- cross-section in the viewing area: 252x42mm
- aerofoil, adjustable angle of attack
- orifice plate
- cylinder
230V, 50Hz, 1 phase
230V, 60Hz, 1 phase
(fog generator)
LxWxH: 480x380x1060mm (wind tunnel)
LxWxH: 420x240x220mm (fog generator)
Total weight: approx. 23kg