ET 792 Gas Turbine Didactic Equipment School Educational Equipment Thermal Lab Equipment
Operation with power turbine or as jet engine with propelling nozzle using liquid gas Features - operation with power turbine or as jet engine with propelling nozzle - simple model of a gas turbine - display and control panel with illustrative process schematic - propane gas as fuel Learning objectives/experiments - familiarisation with the function and typical behaviour during operation of a gas turbine - operation as jet engine - operation as power turbine - determining effective power - thrust measurement - determining specific fuel consumption - recording the characteristic of the power turbine - determining the system efficiency Specification [1] function and behaviour during operation of a gas turbine [2] single-shaft arrangement for operation as jet engine [3] two-shaft arrangement for operation with power turbine [4] start-up fan to start the gas turbine [5] asynchronous motor with frequency converter as generator [6] conversion of generated electrical energy into heat using four 600W braking resistors [7] software for data acquisition via USB under Windows 10