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Measurement Of Boundary Layers Didactic Equipment Vocational Education Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Item No.: HM 220.02
Measurement Of Boundary Layers Didactic Equipment Vocational Education Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment
HM 220.02 Measurement Of Boundary Layers Didactic Equipment Vocational Education Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Velocity distribution and boundary layer thickness within the boundary layer of a flat plate in longitudinal flow; vertically sliding Pitot tube
- accessory for experimental plant HM 220
- boundary layer measurements on a flat plate in incident flow
Learning objectives/experiments
- investigation of the boundary layer on a flat plate
- representation of velocity profiles
[1] investigation of the boundary layer on a flat plate
[2] plate leading edge with chamfer
[3] Pitot tube for measuring the total pressure

[4] additional measuring point for measuring the static pressure
[5] vertically sliding Pitot tube can be set to 3 positions along the plate in the measuring section
[6] display of static and total pressure on the tube manometer from HM 220
[7] accessory for experimental plant HM 220
Technical data
Pitot tube
- inner diameter: 0,6mm
- vertically sliding: 0...18mm
- measuring section with 3 positions along the plate: 10mm, 210mm and 410mm from the leading edge
Flat plate
- LxWxH: 420x80x8mm
- 15° chamfer facing the incident flow
LxWxH: 810x160x280mm
Weight: approx. 5kg